Hey, I’m Maggie! I started this website when I was 37 and my son J was 8. We’re now 45 and 16! We love hanging out, and our favorite activities are reading, roller skating and traveling.
About 10 years ago, I went through a not-so-pleasant divorce. (As if any ARE pleasant…) After recovering emotionally, I got to work on my finances. I wasn’t in a great place, but knew I could do better.
I picked up a few highly-recommended books and joined some online communities. My goal was to learn as much as I could and then start taking action.
All the while, something was gnawing at me. Even though I was on my way to financial security (and hopefully prosperity), I was still already in my late 30s. How could I teach some of these concepts to my son sooner so that he would have a head start?
We started with the basics — envelopes for saving, spending and giving. I created account registers and he balances each account as money goes in and out (old-school, with pencil and paper). I pay interest on his savings. We work on math concepts like percentages, and I insist that he always save at least 10% of everything he gets. How he divides the rest is up to him.
Most importantly, though, we have conversations. We talk about money, what it means and how it works.
I started this blog to keep myself accountable for continued teaching and growth, but also to share what I’ve learned and what I’m doing.
Read my first post for a little more about me.